I recently got this cute little tub through the post and, as winter is coming (said like Snow from GoT, obvs!), I'm on the lookout for an all-in-one product that can protect my skin from the horrid weather! Ouli's ointment is an organic, natural balm that originates from Zante in Greece. I've been to Zante before on holiday and it's the most beautiful place!

See? I told you it was beautiful! JUST LOOK AT THE COLOUR OF THE SEA The key ingredient are olives, chamomile, and beeswax, some very nourishing and conditioning products that make this balm melt at skin temperature and feel very "thin" and conditioning. It can be used to soften dry skin and for pain relief on cuts and burns, while also reducing redness. I've been using it mostly on my lips as they've dried up a bit due to the central heating being turned back on - curse you, cold weather!

The more I use this balm, the more I like it! As a general rule I'm not a huge fan of oils or balms in tubs (I prefer them from a lipstick tube as I'm not a fan of using fingers so apply balms), but I'm definitely getting through this balm pretty quickly! It's quite scentless, quite thin, not sticky in the slightest, and leave s a slight sheen on the lips, giving a natural, pretty finish. I let a work colleague borrow it for his dry lips and he really loved it, said it cured the dryness within a day! I can't say its cured mine so quickly but it's definitely a nice product to use, and I can see myself using the whole tub in no time!
Having said that, it's not the cheapest product and I don't think I would buy it again for the price... £13 for 15ml, and £21 for 50ml
Meli X