ANOTHER Tisserand post... I know, when will I stop?! I'm not affiliates or paid by Tisserand in any way, by the way... I just really love their products! Anyway! I've got a couple of these roller balls (for stress and sleep), so I liked the idea of having one for "energy", something I've been seriously lacking of late due to two consecutive illnesses over the past coupe of weeks! I've been eating crap, not going to the gym, struggling to breathe through my nose... yeah, generally just having a rubbish time of it! So when I saw this, I thought it might be a nice way to give me a bit of a boost without yet another shot of espresso! So for those of you who don't know, these roller balls use aromatherapy and essential oils to create scents that help do different things - like, for example, help you relax, or sleep better, or get rid of a headache etc. They're a great, natural way to aid your health in different ways! The idea of this as with the others is you're supposed to pop it on your pulse points (wrists, behind the ears etc) when you're feeling your energy sink. Now, when I bought this I failed to notice one VITAL thing. It has coriander in it. Coriander. CORIANDER. CORI-BLOODY-ANDER! I really, really hate coriander!
This instantly put me off... I can't bare the taste or smell of it, so I was really worried the smell would be overpowering and I wouldn't be able to use this! Fortunately, you'll be pleased to hear I couldn't smell the coriander! *Sighs with relief* I can't say this doesn't pack a punch scent-wise, though. I guess you'd expect as much from a fragrance that is supposed to help increase energy, but it's not exactly a scent I'd be happy to erm... well, put on and wear? I think this is far more effective just smelling from the bottle... you might get some weird looks if you wear this as a perfume! For me, the orange and lime smell is very strong (which I love!) I do smell something else though that's a bit spicy... I guess that could be the coriander? Altogether, I think it does do the job... though probably not as well as coffee, sob! Check out their range of products HERE! Meli X