This article was written for Naturally Better You, the online natural health, beauty & wellbeing retailer.

You’ve packed your suitcase, stocked up on SPF, and donned your sunglasses. Your tropical getaway is just around the corner – but don’t let those pesky little critters spoil your break!
Insects are commonly found all over the world, and despite their bites not usually being anything more than an unattractive, annoyingly itchy red welt on the skin, they can sometimes spread disease and cause allergic reactions. The best cure for a sting or bite is to avoid it in the first place! Bites are more likely in the evening just as the sun is setting (though you can get bitten at any time), so the safest option is either to cover up, or spray yourself liberally to protect your skin.
Here’s some natural remedies for keeping bugs at bay! Jason Quit Bugging Me Lotion Spray is a hydrating lotion that helps keep all sorts of bugs away, including mosquitoes, gnats, and horseflies for up to 3 hours! It’s safe for kids too, so remember to spray them liberally.
Incognito are your go-to brand for bite prevention; their Anti-Mosquito Insect Repellant is an award-winning spray that is both stronger and safer than any product containing Deet – it can even be used on babies! They also do an Anti-Mosquito Roll On which contains the same formula but comes in a convenient, easy-to-carry roll on. Both are certified 100% natural.
If you want to keep a whole room free of insects, try Incognito Incense Sticks. These chemical-free sticks have a fresh citrus aroma which will lightly scent any room, while the light smoke helps detour insects.
If you do happen to get bitten, try Weleda Insect Bites Spray. This vegan-friendly formula helps reduce redness and irritation associated with insect bites. Incognito Zap-Ease Bite Relief is also great if you get stung by nettles or jellyfish, as it prevents the urge to scratch.