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Writer's pictureMelissa Keen

HayMax - A Natural Remedy for Hay Fever

Hey guys! So with Spring and Summer FINALLY here, I know a lot of people (including a lot of friends and relatives) are starting to struggle with the dreaded pollen counts... HayFever season is officially here! Now, I don't have Hay Fever myself, but my older brother gets it quite badly and has to take an antihistamine tablet every day in order to combat it. He sneezes like crazy and get a tickly throat that drives him mad. I came across this little product at work - HayMax! It's a natural pollen barrier that's made from organic beeswax and seed oils that help naturally block pollen BEFORE it enters you system. All you have to do it rub it along the base of your nostril! Seems too good to be true, doesn't it!

The pot is also a handy little size so it's ideal for popping into your handbag! They do a number of different pots - Pure (pictured above), Aloe Vera, Lavender, Frankincense and Kids, so you can choose which one suits you best! It's totally drug-free and easy to use - simples! Have you ever tried HayMax before? Meli X

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