Supppp! Always on the search for amazing hair products, I came across this vegan/natural/Hawaiian-themed set from Alba Botanica! I've tried a couple of things from Alba Botanica and either really loved it or really hated it... but their good stuff is so good, I still enjoy trying products by them! So when I came across this Plumeria Shampoo & Conditioner by them, I loved the packaging (and the colour, dat purple hellooooo) and definitely wanted a go! So you can see they put a nice, healthy list of things NOT in their products:

Which I think is a lovely little touch, I also like how charitable they are and that it has a natural pH balance! Plus their packaging is also recycled... always good!

It smells SO lovely. Flowery, fresh, clean.. . everything you'd want from a Hawaiian-themed, flowery product! The shampoo is SLS-free which means it doesn't lather up as much as a conventional shampoos - a bit weird to get used to - but I do find that if you use less, and then double-shampoo, hair feels really lovely and deeply cleansed, so it's not a problem! The conditioner smelt soooo good! I think, as my hair has bleached highlights, the colour-protecting factor was a bit lost on my hair, but I definitely noticed a soft, manageability about it once rinsed out. I think this would be especially nice to wear as a hair mask overnight (big fan of doing that as an intense treatment once a week). I definitely think the winning factor here is the smell - it's just so lovely! I'll definitely use these up for sure, though I can see myself getting through the shampoo faster (sod's law, one always goes faster than the other!) Meli X