I love trying new skin care! I find it really exciting to purchase a new product, unwrap the lovely fresh new packing, and try a product for the very first time. In fact, I'm pretty rubbish at sticking to any one product - even if it was incredible. The lure of finding something even more fantastic keeps me trying other things!
I found this one on sale recently and, from the sounds of the blurb, it has a LOT to live up to! The packaging is clean and neat, almost clinical, and it apparently has incredible anti-aging qualities...
Here's the spiel:
"The highest allowable concentration of the most effective anti-ageing peptides come together in this advanced serum to combat all aspects of skin ageing appearance, including the look of dynamic wrinkles, deeper folds, fine lines, crow's feet, textural irregularities and sagginess."
Well I may be only in y mid-20's but prevention is the key where anti-acing is concerned, and I have started to notice tiny little fine lines around my mouth...

I've been using this serum morning and night for the past couple of weeks. The fluid is clear and gel like, quite thick but spreads easily - a little goes a long way! It smells really nice; not overly perfumed, but clean and fresh.
So down the business... do I see a difference? Well, actually... I think I do! My skin has remained clear (very important as some products can break out my oily prone skin) and this has sat beautifully under hydrating moisturisers and my makeup. My fine lines have definitely gone down, but that could be due to the hydration! The tube seems to be going down fairly quickly, unfortunately, but that's the only downside I've found so find to this product - and even that's clutching! It's velvety and refreshing and seems to be doing exactly what it says on the tin! Meli X